LOGO MINIMOLLA Outline black_solo



Minimolla's commitment to sustainability can be represented with the image of a long road, often winding and to be traveled quickly. This sensitivity was formed during the years when environmental issues were not at all fashionable.


Here is an example that outlines how for us sustainability is an ingrained necessity towards real change. In 2010, Minimolla Design was not yet established, but the people were the same as today. One of our projects was aimed at the universities of Milan to replace pet bottles with water bottles in every classroom. We failed instantly, but the following year, together with Sigg and Chico Mendes Altromercato, the first national campaign to promote the use of water bottles was born. Today the various brands compete over the coolest water bottle.


We are sensitive to an idea of sustainability that is made up of concrete actions, even “mini” ones, but courageous and measurable. Not only certifications, but care for good daily practices and activation of proximity production chains.


MATERIALS (under construction)