LOGO MINIMOLLA Outline black_solo



From design to finalization, Minimolla Design follows all the steps to make an original and sustainable set-up.
It creates custom-designed eco-friendly environments. An integrated process that embraces design, development and production for a unique and environmentally friendly result.


Minimolla Design promotes the culture of sustainability through:


  • the use of innovative and bio-based materials from certified sources
  • attention to energy consumption and efficiency of production systems
  • the maximum reduction of transportation and waste


Minimolla practices a circular economy model, making dismountable and modular set-ups, reusable for about 70 percent of the materials used.


Attention to aesthetics and visual impact through innovative solutions for ecological set-ups, biophilic design, physical branding, exhibition design, trade fair stands, exhibition spaces, temporary stores, urban environments, events in public and private areas.